É o meu prazer de anunciar uma nova PlayStation 3 Aplicação Homebrew por Zar, o desenvolvedor está trabalhando em um novo gerenciador de backup que ele construiu a partir do zero. ManaGunZ é um novo gerente, mas tem visto muitas atualizações, enquanto em desenvolvimento e com v1.00 vem a primeira versão pública deste novo gerente,. Este homebrew não oferece suporte PS2 / PS1 / PSP nesta versão atual, mas o desenvolvedor não tem planos de oferecer suporte para esses jogos retro, bem como a adição de suporte RetroArch no futuro. Este treinador tem um monte de grandes recursos embutidos, algumas delas incluem: Clean SYSCALL, Mudança deslocados, Ext. Suporte a jogos de dados, verifique PKG, Jogos de assinar novamente, Patch Eboot, Extrato / Criar ISO e muitos recursos adicionais que você pode ver abaixo
- ManaGunZ:
- I. What is ManaGunZ?
This is another Backup Manager. It allow you to mount a backup stored in your USB device or in the internal hdd as a virtual Blue-Ray. I tryed to do a "AIO backup manager".
Supported CFW:
4.21 - 4.65
A.) Game Settings
Direct Boot
It allow you to launch the game directly after mounting it. There isn't lot of game which support it (every Lego games works with), with this you don't have to go back to the XMB to launch the game.
Clean Syscall:
It disable peek & poke syscall, especially syscall 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 35, 36, this syscall doesn't exist in a OFW. So, this option prevent you to be banned from PSN (especially with Black Ops II) but this isn't guaranted, risk 0 with a CFW doesn't exist. Moreover there is soooo many way to detect a CFW...
Change IDPS:
It change your IDPS in the lv2
Ext. Game Data:
It allow you to install gamedata in your usb device instead of inside your system. Basically , it redirect the path : "/dev_hdd0/game" to "/dev_usb000/GAMEI"
Here you can choose which payload it will use to mount your game. I don't really know if a payload is better than another... from my experience, I always saw same results with every payloads
For ISO games, if you are in cobra fw, it will use the cobra payload otherwise it will use the mamba.
For JB game, you can choose the payload extracted from :
Iris ("sky")
Cobra (ofc, it's available only with a fw cobra)
(-I'll add the new mamba later)
Set primary USB
It set the USB device where the game is stored as the main USB device. This option allow to make some game working without any issue. It's available only with a fw cobra.
Here you can choose which type of emulation it will use to mount you game. This option allow to make some game working without any issue. This option is available for JB games only. You have the choice between 3 possibilities :
None : There isn't any "special emulation", the path "/dev_bdvd" is just redirected to the path of the game.
BD-Mirroir : it patch the mount table in the lv2 to remplace the device dev_bdvd or dev_ps2disk for internal by the device where is stored the backup. This option works fine in extern only if there is only 1 device plugged.
BD-EMU : It redirect the path of the libfs.sprx to the path of a libfs patched.
Patched from:
This option is available for JB games and if you choose "Emulation : BD-EMU". It allow you to choose which patched libfs do you want to use. I found 3 way too patch it, one from MM, and one other from Iris and finally the last one from ReactPSN. I don't know if there is a patch better than an others.
Mount /app_home:
Basically, this is a redirection of the patch /app_home to the path "/dev_bdvd". This option allow to make some game working without any issue. This option is available for JB games
Use patched plugin :
This option is available for JB games and if you choose "Yes" to mount "/app_home". The path "/app_home" is remplaced by "/dev_bdvd" inside the plugin explore_plugin.sprx . Also, the icon of the "/app_home" in the XMB is changed to a disk. Basically, it redirect the path of the original plugin to patched plugin.
B.) Game Option
Rename the title of your backup.
Add/Remove to/from favorites
Manage a list your favorite game. (for now, you can see your list of favorites only with the UI "XMB")
Delete game :
Delete your backup
Copy game :
Copy your backup to another device.
Make PKG :
Create a package stored to the path "/dev_hdd0/packages". This package once installed will be a "shortcut" of your backup in the XMB. You'll just have to launch it, few moment later, it'll return to XMB with your backup mounted. You can hold triangle once it launched to reconfigure the game settings of this "shortcut".
Make PKG stealth
same as the previous option but you can choose the TITLE_ID of the "shortcut"
it change the fw version to 4.21 of your EBOOT (offset 0x400 or 0x40C) to prevent to have the error 0x80010009.
it re-sign every executable of your backup with the 4.21 keys
Extract/Convert to ISO
Convert your JB game to ISO or Convert your ISO to a JB game
Fix permission
Change permission value to 0777 of every folder and file of your backup
Download update
This will download all updated available of your backup. The update downloaded will be stored to the path "/dev_hdd0/packages".
Show the properties of your backup: Path, Format, Size, number of file, number of directory, system version.
C.) Global Settings
Adjust Screen
Calibrate your display to get the best display on your TV.
Dir. to scan
Configure the name of directories where ManaGunZ will find your backups. You can add or remove a directory.
Choose which interface you prefere. Actually, there is 4 differents UI : "List", "Grid", "XMB" and "Flow"
For each UI, you can choose a theme. Also, you can create your own theme, you just need to add a directory (the name of the directory is the name of your theme) to the following path: "/dev_hdd0/game/MANAGUNZ0/USRDIR/GUI/name_of_the_UI/name_of_your_theme".
For example, if you want to add your theme named "Example" for the UI "List", then put your images inside the directory named "Example" and then move your folder to the path "/dev_hdd0/game/MANAGUNZ0/USRDIR/GUI/List".
But the name of the images of the theme can't be changed. For each theme you have a list of image :
"List" : BG.PNG ; BG_ICON0.PNG
"Grid" : TODO
Cobra without peek&poke
Theme for UI "Grid"
Mamba extern
Use lastest mamba
PS2/PSX (cobra)
Retro (RetroArch)
Generate PKG batch
Auto Update
III. History
A.) Changelogs
Added: confirmation to delete a game
Adding: "Fix permission"
Correction: Patch black screen
Added: "Set Primary USB"
Correction: rewrite mode AutoMount
Added: New interface of the "Settings" menu
Added: New ICON0 and PIC1
Correction : freeze pour le GUI "Flow"
Correction : notification si download cancel
Correction: Keyboard
Correction: "Turn OFF" is active only if there is at least 1 update
Correction : "Get_ICON0()"
Added: "Game Ext"
Added: "Rename"
Added: "Copy Game"
Added: "Make pkg Stealth"
Added: "Fix EBOOT"
Adding: "Re-Sign"
Added: "Convert/Extract ISO"
Adding: "Download Update"
Adding: "Properties"
Added: A "Game Menu" interface grouping "Game Settings" "Game Option"
Correction: Black screen with fw 4.60
Added: the screen setting
Added: Option to configure the startup files scanned
Adding: "advanced" mounting options. We can now configure (1) the payload, (2) the type of emulation, (3) libfs.sprx, (4) the assembly / app_home or not, (5) explorer_plugin.sprx patched or not.
Fix: black screen with fw 4.60
Added: GUI "Flow"
Added: GUI "XMB"
Correction: New regex on the name of pkg: [a..z] [A..Z] [0..9] []
Fixed: bug for XMB shortcuts: freeze in an ISO montages cobra CFW
Added: Favourites list (for now visible only with the GUI "XMB")
Correction: Notification is beautiful
Added: GUI "Grid"
Withdrawal: the header "ManaGunZ"
Fixed: bug when no games are detected
Added: Compatibility 4.65
Added: Structure GUI/THEME
Added: GUI "List"
Added: Themes
Added: creation of explore_plugin.sprx patched files
Correction: The EBOOT.BIN is only used to launch managunz.self
Correction: only 1 SELF with 2 types of uses, such as "manager" or Type "launcher"
Correction: Focusing own debug messages
Correction : mise au propre des messages debug
Correction: Focusing own offsets for all FW
Added: Patch "anti-error"
Added: Compatibility with fw 4.60
Added: Warning message if multiple ext hdd are connected to the BD-Mirror mountingFixed: minor
Fixed: minor
Added: New ICON0
Added: Automatic refresh if you plug or unplug a USB device
Correction: the payload mamba is installed only if you start a game as iso with a non-fw cobra
Added: ICON0 "Bullet"
Adding: "Bullet" loading screen
Adding USB icon and ISO
Correction: The name of PKG in ASCII
Correction: control flag
Added: notification
Adding: "Make PKG" achieves pkg like "lastman" for mounting the games via xmb
Added: loading screen
Added: joystick information
Fixed: bug mount iso mamba not split
Added: NTFS HDD compatibility
Added: UTF
version initial
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