O desenvolvedor Rudi Rastelli liberou duas novas versões de duas das suas muitas ferramentas úteis. Jogo PS3 Updater foi atualizado com a versão 1.3 com um banco de dados atualizado e PSN Liberator v0.95B
ChangeLogs: V1.3
- Atualizado Jogos de banco de dados (thx @ aldostools)
- Se um jogo não está no banco de dados de retorno vai ser solicitado a digitar o seu nome para adicioná-lo ao banco de dados
- Spoiler:
* by Rudi Rastelli *
* Credits: *
* @ifcaro for 'PkgView' *
* @RipCord for 'resign_to_disc' *
* @aldostools for 'game/klics-database' *
* @DeLiGht for 'psn_package_npdrm' *
- Single-Game-Mode : Downloads game-update(s) by simply selecting a game in one of it's 3 usual formats(PKG / ISO / Folder).
- Batch-Mode : Creates an updates-archive, which could contain all available updates for all games of the user.
Choose either a game-archive(ISOs, PSN-Game-PKGs or Game-Folder) or a text-list containing 'Game-IDs'.
- PKG-Extractor : Extracts PKG-files at the same folder where the PKG-file is.
- Install-Updates-Disc : Creates a disc, which can be used to offline install game updates of a certain game(2 types of disc: auto-install & bubble install) *NEW*
Discs can be created in folder- or ISO-format.(ISOs bigger 4GB will be splitted whenever a FAT32 device is selected as target.)
- Finale-Game-Disc : Creates a disc, containing the game itself and all of it's updates for auto install. *NEW*
- Integrate Updates : Convertion and Intergration of update(NPDRM)-files to disc-files (useful mainly 4 ODE-users with older PS3-firmware) *NEW*
- Aborted downloads will be resumed
- Already downloaded game-updates will be skipped
- Outdated game-updates will optionally be deleted from updates-archive
- The update-pkg-files get well readable names
- Creates a log-file while updating updates-archive in order to have a quick overview of wht#s been updated *NEw*
Hopefully self-explanatory... read the tool-tips
- Updates will be stored and organized in the folder(=updates-archive) u've selected on 1st start... You can change that folder via 'Extra'-menu
If you don't select anything here a "MyPS3GamesUpdates"-folder will be created and used inside progam-folder
- Using the "Delete outdated Updates"-option in batch-mode allows you to clean up your game-updates-archive and keep it up-to-date.
Tip: Activate batch-mode -> Select your game-archiv -> Leave anything as pre-selected -> [Download]-Button -> archive will be updated
- In batch mode select a game-archive-folder. E.g ".../GAMES/", ".../PS3ISO/", ".../MyPSNGames/"
Or... select a text-list. Example for a typical valid text line: "BLUS12345 WHATEVER_YOU_LIKE_TO_WRITE_HERE"
- If you create the "Install Updates Discs" to "GAMES"-folder you will have all updates for a game as disc ready for offline-installation, without the need
to 1st copy update.pkgs over to PS3. This is really useful if u stream your games(and the updates as well).
Usage : Mount "Install Updates Disc" -> Install updates -> Mount game -> Play (most easy with type "Auto Install Updates Discs")
- Whenever you've updated your updates-archive, just call the "Install Updates Discs"-function again to update the discs as well.
- Number of game-updates on a "Install Updates Disc" is limited to 99, which is far enough for all already existing games.
- The "Make Final Game Version"-function is useful for older games for which no further updates can be expected.
This way you can create a game-version that contains all available updates and you will have everything on one place.
- The "Integrate Updates"-function is highly experimental and doesn't work with all games. A BACKUP OF THE GAME FOLDER IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !
It creates zip-files af the original-npdrm-files and it's patched-to-disc-files in program folder.
- Some of the 'Extra'-menu functions will give you an extra help-text when called.
- Update 'game-database' and 'klics-database' from time to time via 'Extra'-menu
- An emtpy log-files means that there are no new updates available
ChangeLog: v 0.95B
- Bug fixing....ligeiramente melhorada a taxa de sucesso
- Spoiler:
* by Rudi Rastelli *
* Credits: *
* @ifcaro, @Brunestud, @RipCord, *
* @DeLiGht, @Hykem, @aldostools, @eslab *
- Converts PSN-content, like Games, PS1- PS2-Classics, DLCs, Minis, Themes and Avatars that normally needs activation into free content
- As input you can either use PKG-Files or copied "/dev_hdd0/games/[GameID]"-folders
- Optional integration of game-updates, unlock-PKGs/EDATs and DLCs
- Converts PSN-games into disc-games (folder- or ISO- format)
- Resigns all PSN-content optionally to 3.55 or 4.21
- Automatic and manual conversion of "*.rif" to "*.rap" files
- Create a "Bubble"-PKG-Install-Disc with the liberated PSN Contents.
- Create a "PS2-Classics-Placeholder" rap-file
1st Steps:
1. Start LIBERATOR and follow assistent to the point to set up LIBERATOR for 1st use
Note: You can use the "PSN CONTENT"-folder from the LIBERATOR's program directory. It's a possible folder structure just for to
show you how to get started... Just copy it elsewhere to follow the "How-To-Use"-Example (see below)
1. You need a fully installed, activated and updated PSN-game on your PS3. DLCs could be installed as well(they must be activated)
(Most likely you already have a such a game on your PS3... else got to PSN-store and buy one)
2. Find out the "GameID" of the game and search in "/dev_hdd0/games/" for a folder with exactly the name of that "GameID"
Copy that folder to "PSN CONTENT\LOCKED\PSN GAMES\"
3. Now enter "/dev_hdd0/home/0000000x/exdata/" and search for
a) all "*.rif"-files with the "GameID" in it's name and copy them to "PSN CONTENT\RIFsRAPs"
b) an "*.edat"-file with the "GameID" in it's name and copy it to "PSN CONTENT\UNLOCKS"
(Not all games have "*.rif"- AND "*.edat"-files... often games have only one type)
TIP: At 1st time just copy over all RIFs and EDATs you'll find.
4. Set up in LIBERATORs main menu:
b) "PSN Game Unlock File" = "PSN CONTENT\UNLOCKS\****[GameID]****.edat" (only if you've found an *.edat" for your game)
5. Press Button:
a) "PKG" -> Creates a liberated PKG-File
b) "DISC GAME FOLDER" -> Creates a liberated Disc-Game-Folder
c) "ISO" -> Creates a liberated ISO-File
- To get Update-PKGs for each game u can use my PS3 GAME UPDATER
- Sometimes an additional Unlock-PKG-File will be created. Install it to finally liberate the game.
You can 1st try the liberated game without that Unlock-PKG-File installed. Not all games need them. Just try !
- If you like you can add (dev_)klics you've found yourself to "my_klics.txt"(located in "Tools"-subfolder).
- Not all PSN-games will work when they are converted to disc. It's a matter of TRY & ERROR !
(Sometimes it works without problems, sometimes it doesn't work at all, sometimes with freezes/errors/glitches)
- The icon("ICON0.PNG") of every processed content will be saved in "[LIBERATOR Programmverzeichnis]\GameIconCache\"-folder
as "[GameID].PNG". This will most likely shorten the creation of a "Bubble"-PKG-Install-Disc with "Bubble"-Game-Icons.
- While creating a "Bubble"-PKG-Install-Disc just drag&drop the PKG-Files, which should be included in the disc.
Then arrange them to your likings. Create disc as game-folder or ISO.
- If you've selected to use "Bubbles" with game-icons LIBERATOR will 1st search in "[LIBERATOR Programmverzeichnis]\GameIconCache\"
for a "[GameID].PNG"-file. If it's not there it will extract the PKG-file to get the "ICON0.PNG". This could take a long time.
To avoid this you can add game-icons maunally to "GameIconCache". Just name them "[GameID].PNG".
- Keep in mind that a "Bubble"-PKG-Install-Disc can get really big depending on the number of and size of the PKG-Files you've added.
- Don't update liberated games online or offline !... else they will be locked again !
Fonte: Nmoon